MusicMakers Workshop Schedule

For the full article, please follow this link.

3-Day Workshop Schedule

Day 1: Marketing / Branding

  • Kick Off: Movement, Meditation, & Breakfast / Mingle
    8:30 – 9:30 am
  • Morning Opener Keynote
    9:30 – 10:00
  • Brand YOU: Find Your Story
    10 – 11:30pm
    What is the core of your passion?  What called you? How are you educating and empowering? Behind every music maker is a vision; a story that makes their music different from any other.  The goal of this workshop is to lead you back through your story so that you can define it and communicate it to agents,  publishers, and venue owners. Most importantly, though, it will help you communicate your story to the tribe of listeners who are looking for exactly what you offer and will fall in love with what you do.
  • Brand YOU: Telling Your Story
    11:45 – 1:15pm
    Investment in the Arts Must be Emotional  Do you really know the story of your music?  In this workshop, we’ll work on your story and how to tell your story.  From there, we’ll expand on that vision and look at your Identity (how it looks) – which can later be expanded to be your Vision Board, Imagery, Font, and Style Book.


For the full article, please follow this link.